Wednesday, October 28, 2020



I negate my very existence.

Till date, serving you 

Rolls of betel leaves of approval

In dish of demeanor

They were meant to 

Prove false 

Your negation.


If you deem these 

As your personal attainments 

Then, I will only declare 

Don't nurture concept that 

I am your mirror. 

I confess my own existence

Till now, I had pressed flying pages of your life

Under the paper-weight of reality

To avoid scattering.


If you deem it as

Greatness of your accomplishments  

Then, I will assert this much only

Don't misunderstand me as your advertisement.

My English Translation of Hindi Poem LO MAIN SWAYAM KO NAKARTA HOON, originally composed in Hindi by Mahakavi Late Sh. Kanhaiya Lal Sethia Ji ( Translated with Consent of Sh. Jaiprakash Sethia Ji.



I get myself stung

By huge snakes

So that  they 

Get emancipated 

( Though only momentarily)

 From their venom.

With the wish that 

Some part of my ambrosia

Reaches throat of their

Upcoming generation too.

May be it secures change 

In their coming generation 

And they transform into venom less beings

 Full of ambrosia..

My English version of KHUD KO DANSHIT KRWATA HOON MAIN, originally composed in Hindi by Maha Kavi Late Sh Kanhaiya Lal Sethia

Translated with consent of Sh. Jai Prakash Sethia

Monday, October 5, 2020

SCENIC DUSK / मनोरम गोधूलि बेला

 An English poem by Sundar Rajan , with Hindi translation by myself Rajni Chhabra


He's dressed, for sure, in all resplendence,   
To galvanise the vast ambiance,  

Awaiting her arrival, so brisk,
As the day gives way to scenic dusk.
Serenely, she skims the horizon,   
Caressing the skys to enlighten.
Her reflections on the dancing waves,
Spells loud and clear, for him she craves.
Pronouncing on waves a flight of stairs,
For him to know fully well she cares.
But she has vanished from the scene,
Only to return soon to be seen.
It remains a distant wishful dream,
Being poles apart, can they ever team.
They can at best, their strengths, admire
From a distance, as they retire.
By Sunder Rajan


 मनोरम गोधूलि बेला 


 वह पहरन ओढ़े हुए , अपनी पूरी चमक का, निश्चित रूप से

 सम्पूर्ण वातावरण को अपनी चमक के आवरण से ढकने के लिए 


उसकी प्रतीक्षा में लीन , तीव्र गति से 

उस क्षण जब दिन ढलने को है  

वह क्षितिज के ऊपर से गुज़र जाती है 

बादलों को सहलाती हुुई, आलोक बिखेरने के लिए 

नृत्य करती लहरों के ऊपर

सीढ़ियों सी प्रतिबिम्बित होती 

स्वरित होती है कि वह आकुल  है उसके लिए 


पर वह अदृश्य हो गयी है अचानक 

फिर से आने के लिए 


यह एक सुदूर सपना ही तो है 

दो अलग ध्रुवों सा , वे मिल न पायेंगे कभी  

अधिक से अधिक वे गुणगान कर सकते हैं 

इक दूजे की भव्यता का

एक दूरी बनाये हुए

जब अस्त हो रहे हो दोनों /

@रजनी छाबड़ा 

बहु भाषीय कवयित्री व् अनुवादिका